Thursday, October 16, 2008

Crossing the Line

I hated lines. I always did. I still do. They're just so straight. Not that I mind straight ofcourse, I mean, hey, I am good with straight men, attracted to straight women and even more so to curvy ones.

As you've probably figured out, the straightness of lines isn't what this blog entry is about, I was just beating around the bush and I am not ashamed of it. The last time I found a discarded first edition "Penthouse"! Have you any idea how much that's worth????????

3 bottles of lotion.

2 bottles a few days in advance ofcourse and 1 on delivery just for good measure. Just in case I had more luck beating around the bush.

Apologies, this wasn't meant to conjure up images in your head, but I guess it did and now that you have been scarred for life, we'll move on.

So I get up at 9 am for the class at 9.30 , and obviously I've gotten up too early, so I go back to sleep. I then wake up at 9.10, decide there's still time, then 9.15 ... 9.22. On a good day - 9.22, on most days 9.33 and then the same mad rush to make it in time i.e. before attendance. A frantic search for any change lying around ensues, I could get lucky and get a rick.

I have pretty much the same schedule for the afternoon class. Having slept at whatever time, I get up at 3, 310, 3.15, 3.22... [This Prof. is strict about timing so it's either 3.22 or 'class ditch', thus more often than not 'class ditch']

But yesterday I got up at 3.25. And I did not find a rick. This I think was the first real effort I put in all sem, I ran to class. Well, a few [42] feet away from class, by means of a hushed call from a dear friend I learnt of the early attendance.
Mission Objectives Update: return to room. drink beer. brood.

Well I wasn't going to ruin TWO missions in one day so those precisely are the things I did.

It struck me sometime, that I've missed a class too many in this particular course and having crossed the proverbial line I was now entitled to an XX. [applause] Well, been here done that, only this time... let's just say this isn't one of those things you get better at with practice. And I've had a little too much of practice.

I've been asked many times 'where do I draw the line'. That's always felt odd, 'cause I never drew one. I've hated lines, you get that, yes? But if, I were to now draw a line, I'd be way across it, on the wrong end. And that makes me wonder, I think I was always on the this side of the imaginary line... [If you're thinking jokes on II and III quadrants, die nerd!]

They say the grass just seems greener on the other side, so I guess I'd be wise to stay put for a while.

(sigh) subway enthu anyone?


Goutham said...


Shobhit said...

is that sympathy???

I'm still good with curvy women, so up yours dumass!

DUL DUL said...

the bastards got a fridge in his room...

beer............ where are thou

Shobhit said...

ahh... yes yes
the bastard does have a fridge in his room :D

on a side note duldul, shouldn't your blog be about techfest instead of nothing?

DUL DUL said...

i do write the techfest blog ....
just havent got the time to maintain my own...
most of the pieces r mine..

Shobhit said...

great great... but you really think i'm going to visit it now? especially when you couldn't even take the pain to hyperlink the url?
