Sunday, July 29, 2007

Infinity n Beyond

firstly... this isn't a sermon... it just IS... there are gonna be loads of typos alot of "..." and some more typos...

the idea of caps never appealed to me either... so on that note my dear friends, well-wishers, ex-cons and mrs. smith we start off !!

divinus interponus - divine intervention... is in stark contradiction to evrything i blv in... and i dont believe in a lot of things mind u. Then why IS it my blog title so to say?? well simply because i think it's cool. tht's it, no other reason.

now tht we've got tht out of the way. this blog isnt about me, rather -inevitably- about things "about" me. with the preposition about used in the more general sense of it.

i dislike a lot of things about iit. period.

tht's alot said in just one sentence. i shan't say more (mebbe later though) coz then i'll be just another cribbing bitch tht im quite positive im not.

there are things i like about myself. im obstinate i think, flexible with ideas, make tht very and speaking of ideas - i have a whole host of ideas about anything and everything. and frm general discussions with diverse sects of ppl i find my ideas both valid and reasonable. my reasoning is something im proud of. tht apart, there's one thing about me, my first impression on ppl when im being myself or let me put it this way- playing the act of my normal self- is generall not the kind id percieve to be rite. i many a times come across as egoistic, selfcentered, and THIS one i hate the most - over-smart!!! the word's extremely cheesy and it has all the wrong letters...

anyways gotta sleep more later...

So here's the deal... i'm continuing this one after what 2-3 days... n i dont recall shit abt wat i've written above... n honestly... i dont give a fuck...

So enter Sophomore year IIT Bombay... alot of ppl wud giv a lot to be in my shoes right now and i say tht without any sense of pride or vanity for tht matter...
coz i do NOT envy myself my life or anything about me.
I have this nagging habit of being dissatisfied with myself about anything and evrything i do and contrary wat u may have been led to believe more than often its quite justly so... im doin nothing gr8 im just trying and thts as hollow as it gets... i dont personify uber-cool... i do things in bits and pieces and at the end of the day i can't make ppl tht matter to me happy.

So i say to myself wat IS wrong with being self-involved, self-centered, and even selfish... just that they're socially less acceptable?? preached to nursery kids as a "bad quality" by a society tht in itself exists for the sole purpose of upholding itself and its influence over the very ppl who're living lives tht aren't really theres and call themselves "free"...

i did say i dont believe in alot of things... well i believe im going to hell and i do not believe u when u say thts a bad place...

1 comment:

Reisender said...

u seem to really givin time to inrospecting urself man.. gud for u..